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people are the true inspiration for the soul

You can read a book, listen to music, admire art or meditate about the scriptures to get inspired. There's nothing better however to make your soul more beautiful than other people's life experiences.

I did start with reading but than, I thought in order to really get inspired, you actually have to go to meet the inspirational people. What are the characteristics of them?

Here will be my list:

  • Talented. They must be equipped in various talents to persuade others of whatever they are doing. One must be extraordinary to be successful.

  • Hard working. They obviously need to dedicate a lot of time and heart into what they are doing. They get a good education and learn their profession so they can achieve the best possible outcome.

  • Curious. They ask, seek out professionals in their field that they can learn from, study best practices.

  • Always learning. They aren't afraid to admit that they don't know something but also don't stop there. They strive to find the answer. They are always wanting to learn something new, putting themselves in a new realm of unknown and challenge themselves.

  • Motivated. They don't stop looking for new ideas to develop, explore and work on. No matter how busy they get they still press on.

  • Resilience. They don't give up, using their mistakes to learn and get to the next level. They surround themselves with gifted people who not only carry their visions but will collaborate to make it last.

  • Patience. They understand it takes time to gain authority or learn a new language or build a company.

  • Creative. They come up with something new all the time. Either it's a new article to write or method to communicate.

  • Effective. The fruits of their work are big.

  • Passionate. They are happy in what they're doing, sharing and celebrating their successes. Deriving great joy from their accomplishments.

It's a long list but the more I think about it the more characteristics come to mind.

Let me share with you my inspirational people.

Dr. Mary Healy

She looks like a calm, gentle lady with a genuine smile... yet once she starts teaching, you hear the power and authority of her great love for God and His church. When she preaches you know she caries the power of the Holy Spirit within her and the idea she instilled in me that I'll never forget was, that there is no one else who can bring unity among Christians than the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Healy is an international speaker, the topics she specializes in are Scriptures, evangelization, healing and spiritual life. She's also a writer of many books and articles. She serves multiple organizations but I'll name few:

  • Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Being a gifted teacher Dr. Healy is a professor at Detroit's Seminary school where priests, deacons and lay ministers are taught the Catholic Faith and how to teach others.

  • Renewal Ministries

With her knowledge Dr. Healy provides her input as a consultant to enrich Renewal Ministries evangelical work through programs, missions, teaching and other resources.

  • Encounter Ministries

Through her experience Dr. Healy is the School Curriculum Advisor so she can guide students on how to effectively demonstrate the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

.I admire her because regardless of her busy schedule she still is generous with her time to talk about God, pray for those who need healing and likes Poland Go listen to her talks and be inspired to transform your soul to be more beautiful!

Father Remi Reclaw

When I started my unconscious quest for a beautiful soul I learnt about Fr. Remi and the events he was organizing with the group called "Strong in the Spirit". It was a very long time ago. He hasn't stopped, his events grow bigger, ideas get more creative and the technology he uses to teach about God is constantly developing.

Fr. Remi is a Jesuit, he gives powerful homilies, writes books and articles, records evangelizations and educational videos. The most recognizable places where you can get to know him will be:

  • Sanctuary of the Holliest Name of Jesus

As a Pastor, he provides Catholic Church sacraments one of which is the Healing Mass that brings faithful from around the world.

  • Strong in the Spirit

With this group, he facilitates conferences, retreats, praying meetings and worship concerts.

  • You Tube Channel

This channel enables him to reach more souls for God, there are daily "Zooms", Q & A and his other teachings.

I admire Fr. Remi for the powerful way he teaches, prays and leads you closer to God. He very effectively brings fruits of his great works to others. He's newest project is buying and renovating a building that will serve as a Retreat Center. Please help him to make it possible.

Hema Vallabh

When I was leaving Germany to move to the US for the love of my life, who is my husband now, Hema was also leaving Germany for the love of her country - South Africa. She puts that before her own career and personal life because she likes to help South African girls go into the engineering profession.

Hema is a leader and influencer, entrepreneur and investor, speaker and facilitator. After completing her engineering education and working in the professional world, she used her incredible skills to co-found and grow her visions into real companies that help young women:


With her heart for South Africa, Hema started an organization that works to attract, develop and retain female engineers in STEM fields.


Moving forward, she became a CEO of an incubator and created the first co-working space for female-founders in STEM in Africa.

Five35 Ventures

Finally, she helped set up a female-focused VC fund that invests in early-stage tech start-ups.

I admire her for her beautiful personality that changes the lives of little girls and the community of South Africa, but also for being cheerful and good friend of mine that I deeply miss!

Would you like to be an inspirational person? I think that a compliment "you inspire me" is rather big. If so, how many of the these inspirational persons' characteristics do you have? Keep working and be humble enough to learn from those who have already made it. I thank God that He allowed me to meet these beautiful People and being so inspired by them that I can strive to be inspirational too. Even if I just inspire myself.

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1 Comment

Jul 21, 2021

Today at ZOOM Father Remi said "take care of the fertility of your soil".It is worth looking for, being inspired by the beauty of other people, developing, setting the bar higher, then we flourish.Let's take care of a beautiful heart.Thanks for your post. Joanna

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