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Writer's pictureIF

Soul for life

In many different ways the word "life" is coming back to me recently. Maybe that's just a reminder, that having a happy life is not only a choice but also a responsibility. And don't be selfish, it's not only about your life but all those who God gave you to love.

I do create my happy life and I found many helpful ideas, that I'd like to share. It's easier to live in a world full of alive souls!


My first desire for conscious choice for life came with Bible verse, Deuteronomy 30:19

I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live...

It's often hard to do. Many things seem difficult, overwhelming and we feel lonely. Yet, the decision has to be made and not just once but often every morning when we wake up. The soul must stay alive no matter the age and circumstances. That's the Lord request.


In this celebration Jesus gave us a wonderful example, when He rose from the dead to life. He went through the suffering and death, yet that's not where He stopped and that's not where we ought to stop.

Through His Resurrection, He invites us to be like Him. His victory is to be alive.

IF event

I organize these gatherings so we can be together, learn and inspire each other in our beautiful journey called life. The feelings and feedbacks after the events prove that it's a good idea and I'm motivated to continue.

This time we met at Faith@Work, which is a beautiful place, that provides Catholic books and other religious items that can help with your spiritual growth. During the event, we heard about the calling for starting the store and all the inspiring work that came after. The place is very alive, because its owner opens the doors to events and organizations. This mobilizes the communities to come together and work towards common goals, which essentially are to spread God's love on earth. The talents and resources that are being used here make the lives better. For that, IF wants to be a part of it and thank you all for joining my event!

Mary's Mantle

It's one of an important organization that Faith@Work supports. This loving home was built to help mothers and their little lives that are about to be born.

What a great idea! Pregnancy is a very joyful yet challenging time for a mother, how much worse it's when the support and all necessity are missing. And how much better it's that place like this exists. Listening to the testimonies of residents makes you think... what a miracle of life for the baby and the mother, who finds the shelter, food and most importantly love so that her life can thrive again. God, please bless all the goodness that comes out of Mary's Mantle!

Believe in Miracles

There are times in life that it's extremely difficult to say my life is happy. Suffering, sickness, loss... Yet, we believe that God knows better and His are the ways of our lives.

Jenna loved life and because of her the foundation was started. Now the lives of other sick kids can be enriched by granting their wishes. How beautiful that brave people listen to God and act to love and help others. Thank you so much for all you do! Your faithfulness, hard work and passion are greatly appreciated.

Walking with Moms in Need

Archdiocese of Detroit launched the initiative to help mothers that need help.

I was invited to be a part of the Family of Good Shepherd Committee, that helps those who have lives to care for, but struggle to do so. There are many places that provide various help, yet they are not always well known. Our job is to promote available resources so through our work, help will get when it's needed, and God's blessing will be poured out for the mothers and the whole families.

I like my life and I'm grateful for every little reminder of its precious value. Either it's a simple word of an encouragement, other person's sign of love or a big organization that executes miracles for lives... they all mean a lot to me. Thank you!

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