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The very first post

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

2020 – Corona virus year was scary, depressive, lonely, painful… just a bad year. Really? It’s so hard to admit otherwise. Yet, I spent more time with my husband, who even though I have known now for 10 years, I still always miss! I started to teach my son and I proudly listen to his ABCs. I gave birth to my daughter of whom I dreamt since I was a little girl and played with dolls. We found a lot where we will be building our new beautiful house. And finally, I decided to write a blog. With an official start date of March 29th, 2021. Why? Maybe I’ll tell you later…

Picture by Mirella

This is how I start my very first post…

Long ago, in Germany when I was walking down a hallway of the office, I worked at a colleague stopped me by saying “What are you doing here? Look at you, with your sense of style you should be in fashion not automotive!”. Strange comment I thought back then. I was happy with my engineering career.

Years later, in the US, after leaving church a girl stopped me saying “I just had to tell you, the way you put yourself together with this dress, and hat and purse, it’s wonderful”. I wasn’t even trying very hard. Just the Sunday outfit.

I receive many complements of how I set up my table and pick a piece of furniture.

I was told I should write a book, twice. First time at a retreat after sharing my visions from the mediations. Second time after giving my testimony at a prayer group. God gave me these interesting experiences that apparently people like to hear about.

I should say thank you to these people for their encouragement.

The real inspiration though came on November the 15th while listening to Fr. Jim’s homily. He was preaching on the old well-known gospel about the talents and asked this question that they always give you to think about: your talents. What talents do I have? Yes, I have a talent of seeing beauty so should I start a blog about it? No, I’m afraid of the failure and that’s a lot of work. What really stroke me was the question if I use my talent wisely or even at all. No, not really. So, then I hear as he reads my thoughts and continues further talking about hinders which are fear and laziness. As for fear I think it’s carried in my female line of family since a long time. I just inherit it then but that’s not what I want to accept. I remember praying once asking God to heal me from the fear, so I won’t pass it to my daughter. I don’t know if I’m fear free yet. Yes, I’d call myself lazy, but I had a friend making me to rethink this judgement. I have a master’s in engineering, I owe my own apartment in Poland, I do charity work since as long as I remember, move from country to country every few years starting all over again and now planning a blog! What I think and do doesn’t align. Lazy people, this sounds bad, so let’s say people who aren’t motivated to do much will definitely not do what I have been doing. Also, who doesn’t make mistakes and failures after all? The one who doesn’t do anything or try.

So I’m going to try…

I’m dedicating this blog to our beautiful Mother Mary and she is happy and excited to help me!

I also asked two talented women to support me in my first steps of this adventure. Since I’m not English speaker, Yasmin reads my writings. Will this fix every grammar mistake I’m making? Correct all my wrong reasoning? Probably not but will make me feel more confident that I take this job seriously.

And Dorota who helped with designing my graphics so they'll look beautiful. Therefore, I don’t only write about beauty but also can show off about it. It was important for me to have a strong start I believe she made it happen.

Thank you my beautiful ladies.

The thing about me is that I was born as a beautiful baby.

I grew up being a beautiful girl. I don’t think I was realizing this yet…

And I became a beautiful woman.

Picture by Very Lucky Star

The picture is taken by Very Lucky Star. They know how to present me.

I’m aware this all sounds arrogant, but it isn’t thanks to my own merits but that’s the way God made me. You probably know the passage about God being a pot maker and a man, well woman, being a clay. I can only say thank you to Him for how He created me.

Beauty puts a smile on my face and makes me feel happy.

There’s beauty in every aspect of life. It’s your choice if you’re going to notice it or not. Sometimes however, you have to create your beauty. Creation gets many forms.

HOME – it takes years or decades to build it but it’s so worthy. Home should be your happy place where surrounded by your loved ones and beautiful things you rest, get inspired and motivated. You live your life, hopefully beautifully.

CLOSET – putting clothes together to get a nice outfit isn’t always easy but it’s always better when your closet is full of beautiful things and the list is long: dresses, blouses, T-shirts, sweaters, skirts, shoes, purses, belts, jewelry and all accessories like hats, scarfs and gloves. You do feel beautiful if you have something beautiful on.

TABLE – you eat to live but there’s this pleasure of tasting good food. Your appetizer grows when you look at a beautifully set table and invitingly dressed plate. And don’t forget the smell of delicious food that simply must be beautiful.

GARDEN – growing beauty sounds very easy but it’s not. No matter how much you work on it it’s very much weather dependent and challenging. When you succeed though at harvest time not only you transfer the beauty to your home and table but you get beautiful views that you can proudly admire.

SOUL – it usually takes a thankful heart, open mind and strong will to have a beautiful soul. And beautiful soul doesn’t just happen. It takes effort to shape it this way. Years of work. Yet, once done and I have to say maintained life is beautiful.

STATES – I haven’t visited many states yet. Maybe this will be a good excuse to start.

NATIONS – I always enjoyed travelling and saw few countries. I’m going to ask some natives to write about their countries as the locals know best.

After hard thinking I came to a conclusion that there are quite few reasons why I’m starting this blog.

  1. Working out God given talent for beauty. I’m getting older and I don’t want to hear from God that I buried my talent and didn’t multiply it.

  2. I want to grow and master this skill and the best way to learn is to teach. Please tell me you’re learning something here but if not, at least I do. Since I’ve been working on it I see more beauty and feel more beautiful.

  3. I always liked to help, this is thanks to my parents so I do hope my writing will help someone to discover the beauty and live it too.

  4. I’d like to document and store some of my past, present and future and blog nowadays seems to be the way to go.

  5. I need to put my brain to work. Changing diapers and cleaning floors aren’t the most beautiful things but love towards my children is. Happily, I put my career aside, so I can be with my little ones and ensure their beautiful childhood but when they sleep, I can write.

  6. Journaling is recommended in therapy when dealing with difficult times. I don’t know much about this yet so I’ll be experimenting with my writing.

  7. I hope one day this blog will make me money. Not always but often beautiful things and experiences cost money.

This is how I finish my very first post…

God blessed me with a beautiful life, revealed His beauty to me and promised to bear fruit.

I was at a retreat once and someone called me a model obviously because of my cute outfit. The next day after listening to a preaching on John 15:16

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit…

we had a testimony session, where drug addicts and theology students spoke. I got up too and said: “I was called a model yesterday. I wanted to tell you that God not only chooses drug addicts and theology students but models too and I praise Him for that.”

He pruned me and put into trials too. Years ago, I experienced pain that couldn’t be diagnosed for months. I hear that suffering is a part of our lives, but I don’t agree with it. I fight it crying in front of Blessed Sacrament. I got an encouraging prophecy “Be patient, God doesn’t always heal immediately.” Kidney procedure removed the pain.

We become beautiful through both good and bad experiences. I believe Holy Spirit puts ideas in my head and leads my fingers when I type and take pictures. And if this is what He wants me to do, He will find me favorable readers. Are you one of them?


Fr. Jim

a beautiful priest with a gift of faith, who never ceases to smile.


a beautiful trainer, not only of language (English and German) but life too. Yasmin’s LinkedIn


a beautiful graphic designer, whose creative ideas make things look simply nicer.

Maciej and Marta

beautiful photographers who captured the moments from our most important day… forever. Very Lucky Star Website

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Justyna Mordzinski
Justyna Mordzinski
Apr 05, 2021

I felt like you read my mind and put on paper (screen ? Lol). Will absolutely follow your blog and see where Holly Spirit will lead you, and then maybe one day i will be brave like you! God bless you and your family!


Yasmin Herrmann
Yasmin Herrmann
Apr 01, 2021

Congratulations on going live! I really like the website - it's very inviting and I'll be following your blog with interest... Lots of love Yasmin 😘


Mar 31, 2021

Good job love it keep up good lack ludmila

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